Website Localization Services

Where there is company there is website. Where there is target audience, there should be a website in their own language.

Why Website Localization

It is often assumed that English is the de facto language of the Web, but according to the latest Internet World Users Language report by Internet World Users, 73.2% of Internet usage now occurs in languages other than English. In fact, websites referenced by English-only search engines could be overlooked by about 95% of potential Asian audience.

For businesses looking to expand into global markets, or reach non-native English speakers at home, building a multilingual website is a wise decision. For a business, communicating to a regional audience in a foreign language could be detrimental. There should be no communications gaps between the buyer and seller in a market, and if there exists a gap, there will less chance for a business to succeed in that market.

For an instance: you, as an international business, willing to influence the Mandarin-speaking markets, must alter the essence of your website by seasoning it with Chinese localization services.

If you are a business, having a website in English or any other language, and willing to enter a non English-speaking region, you will need professional website localization services to get your site rebuilt in the language of that region.

Website Localization Expertise

Localization is about altering the content, which includes design, graphics, theme, and text of a website to suit the predilections of the audiences of a language boundary. We, MTS, are a premier name in the language service industry, offering result-bound localization for your business website. Our team comprehends the significance of localizing the attributes of your website. Before taking on a new project, we study your site and the market in which you want to pitch your business, so that effective content localization can be implemented on your website.

However, this involves much more than just translating the text content. The entire content – which, as already mentioned, includes design, graphics, and theme – needs to be localized, while the functions need to be retained, and the site should also be properly indexed and referenced in local search engines.

It also requires in-depth knowledge of website engineering and SEO (search engine optimization) techniques, so that your business can attain a considerable visibility amidst the concurrent market competition.

You localized website will work as a powerful tool that will help you draw the attention of your target local audiences. Your target herd will be at ease while going through your website and learning about your products and services. The more they understand your business, the more traffic, visibility and attention your website receives.

Localization drives growth, success and profitability!

Website Localization Expertise – At MTS, our website localization services help businesses transform their English websites into truly global sites. We have solutions for all kinds of websites from simple static pages to complex database-driven websites.

“Localization is all about connecting with international languages and dialects, cultures, and marketing trends.”

The combination of our profound knowledge of online presence, experienced website design and programming engineers, regional linguists and SEO specialists allows us to make the localization process hassle-free for you. Thus, your website’s sphere of influence sales will be able to expand.

We can offer website localization solutions in any language from any language at competitive rates. If you are looking for unmatched quality work at affordability, we welcome you to MTS!

A typical localization process includes:

  • Creating culturally-appropriate UI level icons and graphics
  • Translating any content, static or dynamic
  • Translating back-end database content
  • Providing culturally relevant tutorial subjects and examples for tutorials or online help
  • Performing in-context quality assurance to ensure the final product is user-friendly, consistent and precise
  • Cross-platform browser or client testing

If you would like to learn more about our website localization services, please feel free to contact us today!


Please feel free to contact us at for a free consultation.

For large projects, we can even do a 300-words sample translation, at no cost to you.


iso   tac   ata   alc   gala   xmta

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