“The Book of Languages” Series – #13 Amharic

Tucked in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia is not just home to the ancient Aksumite Empire, splendid coffee, and the enigmatic Lucy, but also to a unique language known as Amharic. With approximately 22 million native speakers, Amharic is the second most spoken Semitic...

Language vs. Dialect

In the vast universe of linguistics, few topics generate as much intrigue as the distinction between “language” and “dialect.” On the surface, the distinction seems intuitive. Yet, as we delve deeper, the line blurs, revealing the cultural,...

“The Book of Languages” Series – #12 Korean

Ah, the Korean language! At once both a symphony of sounds and a riddle wrapped in the intricacies of Hangul script. To the untrained ear, it might seem like a challenging cacophony of consonants and vowels, but as one digs deeper, it reveals a poetic beauty and...

3 Translation Myths Debunked

In the era of globalization, translation has become an essential tool for bridging cultures and connecting people. Despite its importance, many myths and misconceptions surround the field of translation. This article aims to debunk some of the most common translation...

“The Book of Languages” Series – #11 Hindi

Hindi, one of the world’s most spoken languages, serves as a bridge between millions of hearts, reflecting the rich culture and diversity of India. As one of the official languages of India, it is spoken by over 400 million people as a first language, and by...

Superpower: Bilingual

In an increasingly interconnected world, speaking more than one language is an invaluable skill. Being bi/polylingual goes beyond mere communication advantages; it offers an array of cognitive, cultural, and professional benefits. Cognitive Benefits Enhanced...