The Babysitter–Project Manager – A fairy tale

My good friend Ana has taken up her first job in the translation industry. I asked how she was doing and her response stunned me: – Girl, they are my babies. I am their sitter. I beg your paaardon? I did not quite get it. Did she mean under-aged translators? Is...

5 preventive steps during Covid-19 at work

From MTS China we would like to share the preventive measures taken at one of our offices so that you, your employees, coworkers and freelancers can all stay safe during the coronavirus outbreak. If possible, allow your employees to work remotely. It is the safest way...

No more ghost towns

During the coronavirus outbreak we managed to stay operational and now we are back in the office. We sincerely hope that the lives of those affected by COVID-19 everywhere in the world can slowly go back to normal and send our best wishes from MTS China.