Meet our team – Jolly Wu
Jolly Wu – PM for the International Department at MTS Jolly joined the Master Translations team in Xiamen two years ago as a project manager after graduating in English studies. She grew up in the 8-million-people metropolis of Quanzhou in southern Fujian, China....
GoAP Annual Conference 2021
Master Translations participated in the Glocalization Organization of Asia Pacific’s Annual Conference held online this week. MTS CEO Frank Wei participated as a speaker in the panel Globalism vs. Me moderated by Dieter Runge along with William Rivers and Bruce...
MTS welcomed the New Year with a team soirée in Xiamen
Two weeks ago, at a point in time amid the solar and lunar new year, with the Spring Festival around the corner, Master Translations team gathered in Xiamen city to welcome the new year. The rest of the MTS team joined the event via live streaming to enjoy a vibrant...What is CATTI?
Everything you need to know about the Chinese test for translators and interpreters in 2021. What is it? China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters (hereinafter referred to as CATTI) is a state-level vocational qualification examination for the whole...Why did I get an apple for Christmas?
Apples a popular gift in China on Christmas Eve. Do you know why? Learn some fun facts on Chinese translation here.