From MTS China we would like to share the preventive measures taken at one of our offices so that you, your employees, coworkers and freelancers can all stay safe during the coronavirus outbreak.

If possible, allow your employees to work remotely. It is the safest way to prevent the virus from spreading. We did that during the first two weeks of February to make sure they were safe.

After 2 weeks of remote work, we came back to the office, but we adopted some preventive measures we want to share here hoping you can implement them, too:

  1. We are having our temperature checked at the designated posts in the streets and by the security guards at our building before entering.  Only workers are  allowed  in  the  premises.
  2. We are all wearing masks (our own or provided by our company when ours aren’t enough).
  3. We keep common surfaces disinfected  (elevator buttons are covered with film, tissues are used to protect hands when pushing buttons and this machine with a disinfectant solution is available to clean hands and face when entering the building).

  1. Before entering our office (and often during the rest of the day) we wash our hands with regular soap and water and spray a disinfectant solution (chlorine and water) on our belongings (bags, purses, coats, shoes). A carpet soaked with the same disinfectant solution is placed at the entrance of our office to clean our shoes.

  1. After this, we like to disinfect our desk, keyboard, mouse and phone screen with an alcohol-based solution to make sure the environment is clean and safe.



We know it sounds like a lot of work, but it gives peace of mind and after two weeks of remote work and a month of carrying out this preventive checks and little steps at the office, things are finally under control.

In the translation industry, we are lucky that we could to carry on working from home at first and providing services steadily. Of course, most interpretation services and related events have reasonably been cancelled… ☹

We hope everywhere the situation is stabilized soon. Feel free to share these measures with your colleagues and friends. We are in this together and wish you all the best! 😊😊