Name: Andrew
Country of Origin: United States of America
Occupation: Call Center Supervisor
Years in China: 4.5

How did your Journey in China Begin, what is your unique China Story?
My first time to visit this side of the world was in May 2015 as a school trip through Taiwan and Shanghai for 2 weeks. This was the first time I had ever been so far from home and really traveled abroad. It was amazing to see so many differences first hand and dispel so much myths that my friends and family had believed about this place. I returned through a second business course visiting many NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations) and R&D (Research & Development) departments of some companies such as Johnson & Johnson and Lenovo. These two class trips to China were my first steps into a country I would fall in love with. After graduating from college with 2 majors, International Business & Chinese (had no predetermined intentions of moving to China), I then took an Internship with one of the visited companies called Intex for 2 months as a call center agent. My internship finished in 2016 and I went back home to contemplate what I would do for the rest of my life. I decided I liked Xiamen a lot and I ended up moving back, originally to further study the Chinese language taking up some classes at Huaqiao University in Jimei. After 3 months of furthering my Chinese I went home for Christmas where I then met with a consultant of Intex from the Los Angeles office and was offered a job in Xiamen Haicang in 2017. And here I am today in 2021 visiting my favorite Xiamen bars such as Fanzone and restaurants such as Aye Manuela while cracking jokes on the weekend at Big Big Comedy. Eventually change will come, but when it does I will always treasure and never forget my China story.
What do you like Most about China as a whole?
China as whole I think is great because of how convenient everything is using QR codes for absolutely everything. I feel everything here is generally safer, especially when out late. I love driving but with the ease of transportation all over China I don’t mind taking trains, subways and DiDi’s to get around.

What do you like the most about Xiamen?
The open space. I’ve always lived by the ocean and being in Xiamen that is still my favorite part. The life here, in my opinion, is slow and calm. I often refer to this city as a “retirement city” and who knows it may just become that for me. The hospitality of the people here is far beyond any I have seen in my hometown. When I first arrived to China I only committed to 2 years… and here we are 5 years later. I love my work, the people I work with and I love the interactions I have with the people of Xiamen.

A little Background on his hometown.
I believe everyone has their own view of what Los Angeles is known for… Hollywood, Celebrities, Theme Parks, Music, Concerts, Movies, Sports, Beaches, Traffic etc. But for me it’s Family.
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