Master Translations participated in the Glocalization Organization of Asia Pacific‘s Annual Conference held online this week.
MTS CEO Frank Wei participated as a speaker in the panel Globalism vs. Me moderated by Dieter Runge along with William Rivers and Bruce McLaughlin during the 2-day online event that welcomed participants from all corners of the world to learn about several trends in the localization industry, challenges and opportunities that cooperation with the Asia-Pacific region presents.

Participants enjoyed more than 20 different presentations and panels by experts in our industry about relevant topics such as remote work, blockchain, AI applied to localization and challenges in recruiting for Asian language localization, among many others.

All the sessions were simultaneously interpreted into Mandarin Chinese or English by courtsey of an outstanding team of interpreters from MIIS: Qiwei Chen, Jiayi Feng, Chloe Lin, Olivia Lo, Yikai Wang and Amy Ye.
We look forward to seeing you at the following GoAP events!