Today is not just another regular Monday. December 21st 2020 is a very special day for two reasons:
Today, Jupiter and Saturn will be aligned perfectly to create what is commonly known as “Star of Bethlehem” or Christmas Star. This is a very rare phenomenon to see. Look for the place where the sun sets, wait for 45 minsutes and you will be able to appreciate its beauty if the sky is clear! How exciting!

Also today, the Winter Solstice is a tradicional Chinese and East Asian festival known as the Dongzhi (冬至 Dōngzhì) Festival. This festival commemorates that days will start to get longer, leading to more daylight and a more balanced cosmos. Of course, the way we celebrate it here in the South is by eating balls of glutionous rice (汤圆 Tangyuan) filled in with sesame paste or dumplings in the North.

Happy winter solstice and enjoy the starry night!