The road of translation has never been easy. After twenty years of trials and adversities, twenty years of hope and joy, and twenty springs, summers, autumns and winters… Master Translations turned 20!

Master Translations (MTS) was established in Xiamen China in August 2000. It was the first officially registered professional translation agency in Fujian Province and now a leading language service company in China.
After twenty years of development and growth, MTS has established branches in Shanghai, Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Taiwan, the United States, Australia and several other places. With more than 100 full-time employees and thousands of contractors, MTS provides one-stop languages services such as translation, software, website and multimedia localization, on-site and remote interpreting, among others. The company serves dozens of world-renowned companies and thousands of institutional clients at home and abroad.
Although the global pandemic has brought a greater impact on the company’s business, all employees of MTS have overcome various difficulties to provide high-quality translation services for domestic and foreign clients and partners. Our team’s efforts contributed to the exchange of information on pandemic prevention. The company successfully overcomes the difficulties by adopting a variety of methods to increase revenue, reduce expenditure and through technological innovation.
Last week, MTS Xiamen headquarters employees and representatives of branches from other cities travelled to Liuao Beach in Zhangzhou city to celebrate the 20th anniversary milestone. After a short break at the stunning beach, they were divided into 3 teams (the Rockets, the Wind Team, and the Wolf Totem Team) to enjoy some team building interactive activities and games like the so-called “Great Wall of China”, which is full of fun and designed to improve team work and cooperation…
In the evening, there was a barbecue dinner and an exciting bonfire party by the sea. The general manager, founder and CEO Frank Wei lit the fireworks and the lead singer sang the song “Pengyou” (lit. translated as “Friends”) which were the highlights of the night.

After breakfast at the hotel on the second day, the group visited Liuao’s iconic scenic spot and Abstract Gallery, a natural corridor composed of Peacock Valley (孔雀谷Kǒngquè gǔ) , Weathered Rock (风化岩Fēnghuà yán), Windmill Scenery (风车阵Fēngchē zhèn), and the sandy beach. Our team enjoyed the stunning view while playing and taking youthful pictures that they later left as a memoir at the gallery. On the big rocks and with view to the endless beach horizon, everyone posed with the huge 20th anniversary logo and motto “Thank you for being together with MTS” (“感恩有你 译路同行” “Gǎn’ēn yǒu nǐ yì lù tóngxíng”).

With the help of drones, group photos and footage were filmed as a souvenir. Watch the video here!

At noon, a traditional Mid-Autumn Festival dice game typical of Xiamen (博饼Bó bǐng) was also played and gifts were distributed among all participants.

Like good baijiu that gets better with age, MTS 20-year journey was one filled with dedication, humility and gratitude.
The team at Master Translations will uphold the concept of excellence and handle every piece of translation work with care to meet our customer’s demands!
Happy 20th Anniversary, MTS! Way to go!